Content Hacks Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Have you ever started with the end? The Inverted Pyramid

Starting with the impact or end result is one of the most powerful ways of drawing attention. It is a very famous ‘hook’ format that is neglected. When you see yourself in the perfect dress that you always wanted to or the dream car that you always wanted to drive, you would be interested in […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

Pralaya in not the end. What is Pralaya?

What is PRALAYA? To me pralaya is an explosion, an end to a continuous action. After such explosion comes stillness. This stillness results in silence that has the entire world in it. A silence that can’t be expressed but can only be experienced. Pralaya is a mythological concept referred to, in Hinduism. It represents the end of the world […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

Success – Enjoyable or Regrettable?

Success – Enjoyable or Regrettable? The glamour behind SUCCESS, the glamour that makes us feel that SUCCESS is closer and easier to achieve is deceiving. The glamour that seduces us to get closer to the sheen of success is the ugliest of all. When any given task, is something we love to do, we enjoy […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Language is being made a barrier

English – the only language a candidate is evaluated upon From the times of colonialism and industrialization, English has emerged as the second most spoken language in the world until now. Apart from that it is the most used language on internet and hence we all see new virtual species developing like SEO, content marketing and so on. […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

I don’t have time to write a story

I don’t have time to write, anymore. If you have said this to yourself multiple times, I have two hacks. One is to satisfy your ego. Second is to hurt your ego. Choose what suits you. #1 Find an anchor tied to blocked time on the calendar. Have a reminder notification. Keep this as your […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

Thriving on brand communities

Leadgen gives an instant gratification which comes with an adrenaline gush. Generating leads is often opted over building a community. A homogeneous group of people with a shared purpose. But the power of community is not just about network effects. A community’s power also lies in the fact that it supports in helping us reach […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

No product to sell? Then, Sell a road map, a vision, NOT mockups

Does your sales pitch presentation have mockups instead of the product itself? Most often, products are sold using mockups. The reasons are valid: not enough money to build the product itself. Concept selling is great salesmanship but not great branding. So you need to choose how long will you live with concept selling over value […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

You are not enough to achieve your goals

I always set a goal and failed again and again. Here’s why? Why can’t we make ourselves do what we want to do? I would set the alarm to 5.30 am but never accomplished my goals for a long time. I have identified 3 things that stop us: Mindset, Motivation, Camaraderie Mindset overload We stay […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

You know you are special but how to tell the rest of the world.

“There is only one person who can solve my problem.” Everyone on your team and many others in your company look for you to solve their problems. You come with a specific trait or skill. You would have showcased this multiple times already at work or in your social circles. Now, you want to open […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words


Articulation in writing is like programming in software. Programming involves sequencing, coding, and other syntax related to the chosen programming language. Articulation is pretty much the same. It is breaking down thoughts into comprehensible and story-like structure for people to consume and respond.