Content Hacks

Long vs Short posts. What works on Linkedin?

Long posts vs Short posts, what works? This has been a very common question for aspiring influencers before stepping onto Linkedin. Nailing profile building on Linkedin can get tricky. But here’s the thing, both formats work on Linkedin. However, they work in different scenarios. It all boils down to what you want to achieve on Linkedin. Let’s dissect what works on Linkedin – Long vs Short posts?

Long form posts on LinkedIn

Let’s clarify some fundamental questions about long posts published on the LinkedIn stream. I am not referring to LinkedIn articles or its newsletter feature. This is about those lengthy text posts that show up on your stream.

Can you see any success using such a format? “Yes!”

Do people read long posts on LinkedIn?

Yes, they do. When people are looking for quick pointers but with depth, longer posts help.

When do long posts work best on LinkedIn?

Especially when you are starting off anew on LinkedIn, long posts are the best.
1. It displays your expertise.
2. You can break it comprehensive pointers which provides more clarity to readers.
3. You can convey a detailed theory to a larger audience.
4. You can people with exclusive messaging.
5. Use more relevant hashtags.

What is the best format of a long LinkedIn post?

Here is a bestselling template that works for the long form of Linkedin post.
1. First (opening) line. Start with a head turning headline. Use emoticons if necessary 🥳💥🔥. Hint: You can begin with good email subject lines with a high open rate.
2. Reason or context as a story. Mention the reason behind your post and use this to set the context. A real story or a compelling anecdote from someone else’s life is the next level of to keep your audience hooked.
3. Takeaways as pointers. So what’s in it for me? Your audience want to get something actionable from your post. So mention the pointers.
4. Your ASK: a commitment, sign up, or other CTA.
5. Share the objective of your post. Mention what you are expecting from every person who engages with your post.
6. Hashtags. #These are extended keywords that will help the right people find your post. It improves searchability.
7. @Yourself and tag others. Tagging yourself at the intimates everyone in your network about the post.

Short form posts on LinkedIn

Tada! I have something to say. Short form posts on LinkedIn. Some influencers and content creators have gained a lot of success with short and crisp words to convey an idea.

When do short posts work best on LinkedIn?

Short posts on LinkedIn work best when you are a well established person with good followership. You may wonder why does it matter at this point? It does because as you grow up the ladder you have less time to invest in long posts. Crisp short posts can save your time.

What is the best format of a short LinkedIn post?

  • Keep your headline as a question.
  • Your first sentence could be a powerful opinion.
  • Seek public opinion. Yes or No?
  • Funny statement
  • All this followed by a meme, graph, image or video.

Choose your format and length based on who you are and what you want to achieve. Is this information not enough? Are you looking for more? Subscribe to this full fledged course that helps you monetize content on LinkedIn.